Social Networks
Kim, Euisin, and Rhee, Mooweon. 2021. "Learning from alliance membership: An empirical study of learning from the failure of their alliance members, liability and environmentally sustainable airline." Sustainability, 13(21): 11794.
Rhee, Mooweon, Yang, Daegyu, Bae, Sung Ju, and Park, Minah. 2021. "Buffering against the damaging effect of product recall." Yonsei Business Review, 58(2): 35-66.
Kim, Young-Choon, Rhee, Mooweon, and Kotha, Reddi. 2019. "Many hands: The effect of the prior inventor-intermediaries relationship on academic licensing." Research Policy, 48(3): 813-829.
Bae, Sung Joo, Park, Minah, and Rhee, Mooweon. 2018. "How do online product-related electronic network of interest grow?: The role of content, communication activity, and structure." Yonsei Business Review, 55(3): 65-101.
Kim, Young-Choon, and Rhee, Mooweon. 2018. "Professional collaboration in technological innovation: A case of technology licensing of university inventions." Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 30(11): 1351-1363.
Yang, Daegyu, and Rhee, Mooweon. 2017. "The role of co-production networks in organizations' efforts to enhance the learning curve outcomes." Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 28(11-12): 1421-1445.
Rhee, Mooweon, and Kim, Tohyun. 2014. “Identity-based learning and segregation in social networks under different institutional environments.” Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, 20(4): 339-368.
Chandler, David, Haunschild, Pamela, R., Rhee, Mooweon, and Beckman, Christine, M. 2013. “The effects of firm reputation and status on interorganizational network structure.” Strategic Organization, 11(3): 217-244.
Rhee, Mooweon, Yang, Daegyu, and Yoo, Taeyoung. 2013. “National culture and friendship homophily in the multinational workplace.” Asian Business & Management, 12(3): 299-320.
Ma, Dali, Rhee, Mooweon, and Yang, Daegyu. 2013. “Power source mismatch and the effectiveness of interorganizational relations: The case of venture capital syndication.” Academy of Management Journal, 56(3): 711-734.
Chai, Sun-Ki, and Rhee, Mooweon. 2012. “East Asian firms should let employees have external networks.” Chinese Management Insights, 1: 18-20 (in Chinese) & 66-68 (in English).
Kim, Young-Choon, and Rhee, Mooweon. 2010. “The contingent effect of social networks on organizational commitment: A comparison of instrumental and expressive ties in a multinational high-technology company” Sociological Perspectives, 53(4): 479-502.
(The 2010 Winner of Distinguished Contribution to Sociological Perspectives Award, Pacific Sociological Association)
Chai, Sun-Ki, and Rhee, Mooweon. 2010. “Confucian capitalism and the paradox of closure and structural holes in East Asian firms.” Management and Organization Review, 6(1): 5-29.
Rhee, Mooweon. 2007. “The time relevance of social capital.” Rationality and Society, 19(3): 367-389.
Rhee, Mooweon. 2004. “Network updating and exploratory learning environment.” Journal of Management Studies, 41(6): 933-949.
Kim, Yong-Hak, and Rhee, Mooweon. 2000. “Manufacturing trust in small firms networks: The case of C-family.” Social Critics, 25: 100-128.(written in Korean)