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Organizational Learning


Kim, Cuehyon, Kim, Yeaji, Rhee, Mooweon, and Kim, Bo Kyung. 2024. "Pathways to exploration in higher education: Status and institutional logic in public and private higher education institutions." Higher Education, 88: 627-643.

Yang, Yi, Rhee, Mooweon, and Park, Yong Suhk​. 2024. "With or without metamorphosis of learning Orientation: Post-Cross_Border mergers and acquisitions performance of emerging multinational enterprises." Journal of Business Research, 182, 114768.

Pai, Abraham Yeonwoo, Rhee, Mooweon, Seo, Jeongeun, Kim, Taeyang, and Kim, Ji-hyun. 2023 "Cognitive-Experiential Search ​Trade-off for Organizations in Complex Environments." Journal of Strategic Management, 26(3): 1-15. (written in Korean)

Kim, Tohyun, and Rhee, Mooweon. 2023. "Innovating more each day and every day: A Confucian learning approach to innovation in the case of astronomical innovations in fifteenth-century Korea." Korean Journal of Management, 31(1): 103-133.

Yang, Daegyu, Battulga, Altantsetseg, and Rhee, Mooweon. 2022. "An open system understanding of product innovation: Attention allocation, external information sources, and absorptive capacity." Systems, 10(5): 172.

Baik, Youjin, Rhee, Mooweon, and Park, Young-Ryeol. 2022. "The influence of institutional experience on foreign subsidiary exit of Korean MNEs : Focus on regulatory and normative dimensions." Korean Academy of International Business Management, 26(2): 59-73.

Kim, Yeojin, and Rhee, Mooweon. 2022. "When do generalists change more than specialists? Problem-driven and slack-driven change in labor allocation." Strategic Organization, 20(2): 270-292.

Li, Peter Ping, Rhee, Mooweon, and Sullivan, Bilian N. 2021. "Remembering James March." Management and Organization Review, 17(4): 644-654.

Kim, Euisin, and Rhee, Mooweon. 2021. "Learning from alliance membership: An empirical study of learning from the failure of their alliance members, liability and environmentally sustainable airline." Sustainability, 13(21): 11794.

Rhee, Mooweon, Yang, Daegyu, Bae, Sung Ju, and Park, Minah. 2021. "Buffering against the damaging effect of product recall." Yonsei Business Review, 58(2): 35-66.

Rhee, Mooweon, and Rhee, Junyeon. 2021. "Yi Sun-sin leadership: An organizational learning perspective." East and West Studies, 33(2): 219-239. (written in Korean)

Rhee, Mooweon, Alexandra, Valerie, and Powell, Skylar. 2020. "Individualism-collectivism cultural differences in performance feedback theory."  Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, 27(3): 343-364.

(The Winner of FIU / AIB 2020 Best Theory Paper Award)

Lee, Juil, Rhee, Mooweon, and Park, Kyung Min. 2020 "Looking backward through the looking glass: Reference groups and social comparison." Journal of Management & Organization, 26(1): 110-131.

Choi, Jaeho, Rhee, Mooweon, and Kim, Young-Choon. 2019. "Performance feedback and problemistic search: The moderating effect of managerial and board outsiderness." Journal of Business Research, 102: 21-33. 

Rhee, Mooweon, and Kim, Tohyun.  2019. “Exploiting old lessons and exploring new ideas: A Confucian approach to exploitation and exploration.” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 36: 773-795.

Rhee, Mooweon, and Kim, Young-Choon. 2018. "Organizational attention and learning under regulatory intervention: Government investigation of automobile engine quality." Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 35(3): 457-472.

Yang, Daegyu, and Rhee, Mooweon. 2017. "The role of co-production networks in organizations' efforts to enhance the learning curve outcomes." Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 28(11-12): 1421-1445.

Rhee, Mooweon. 2017. "Organization/strategic management theories: Looking backward and looking forward." Korean Journal of Management, 25(3): 9-17. (written in Korean)

Park, Sang-Eon, Rhee, Mooweon, and Yang, Daegyu. 2017. "Culture, ambidexterity, and performance: A team-level study." Korean Journal of Resources Development, 20(1): 1-49.
(The 2017 Winner of Best Paper Award, Korean Association of Human Resource Development)

Kim, Tohyun, and Rhee, Mooweon. 2017. “Structural and behavioral antecedents of change: Status, distinctiveness, and relative performance.” Journal of Management, 43(3): 716-741.

Kim, Euisin, and Rhee, Mooweon. 2017. "How airlines learn from airline accidents: An empirical study of how attributed errors and performance feedback affect learning from failure." Journal of Air Transport Management, 58: 135-143.

Powell, K. Skylar, and Rhee, Mooweon. 2016. “Experience in different institutional environments and foreign subsidiary ownership structure.” Journal of Management, 42(6): 1434–1461.

Rhee, Mooweon. 2015. "The past, present, and future of organizational learning theory." Korean Journal of Management, 23(4): 11-32. (written in Korean)

Rhee, Mooweon, Park, Jin Suk, and Yoo, Taeyoung. 2015. “The contradictory roles of ambiguity for innovation in an industry: How beneficial are standardization and classification?” Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 27(9): 1114-1128.


Rhee, Mooweon, and Kim, Tohyun. 2015. “The role of experience in a governmental regulatory investigation in the U.S. automobile Industry: Organizational learning versus reputational dynamics.” Socio-Economic Review, 13(2): 285-308.


Rhee, Mooweon, and Kim, Tohyun. 2015. “Great vessels take a long time to mature: Early success traps and competences in exploitation and exploration.” Organization Science, 26(1):180-197.


Rhee, Mooweon, and Kim, Tohyun. 2014. “Identity-based learning and segregation in social networks under different institutional environments.” Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, 20(4): 339-368.


Kim, Young-Choon , Lu, Jane W., and Rhee, Mooweon. 2012. “Learning from age difference: Interorganizational learning and survival in Japanese foreign subsidiaries.” Journal of International Business Studies, 43(8): 719-745.


Kang, Jina, Rhee, Mooweon, and Kang, Ki, H. 2010. “Revisiting knowledge transfer: Effects of knowledge characteristics on organizational effort for knowledge transfer.” Expert Systems with Applications, 37(12): 8155-8160.


Rhee, Mooweon. 2010. “The pursuit of shared wisdom in class: When classical Chinese thinkers meet James March.” Academy of Management Learning & Education, 9(2): 258-279.


Rhee, Mooweon. 2009. “Does reputation contribute to reducing organizational errors? A learning approach.” Journal of Management Studies, 46(4): 676-703.


Kim, Tohyun, and Rhee, Mooweon. 2009. “Exploration and exploitation: Internal variety and environmental dynamism.” Strategic Organization, 7(1): 11-41.

(The Winner of the 2014 SO!WHAT Best Paper Award)

Rhee, Mooweon, Kim, Young-Choon , and Han, Joon. 2006. “Confidence in imitation: Niche-width strategy in the UK automobile industry.” Management Science, 52(4): 501-513.


Haunschild, Pamela R., and Rhee, Mooweon. 2004. “The role of volition in organizational learning: The case of automotive product recalls.” Management Science, 50(11): 1545-1560.


Rhee, Mooweon. 2004. “Network updating and exploratory learning environment.” Journal of Management Studies, 41(6): 933-949.


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